Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March Meeting Notes/April Meeting

Hiya folks, sorry we've been slow on posting the March Meeting Notes, but many of us were part of the staff for MidSouthCon 28, and as such we're pretty tired overall. We figured as the March Meeting was very minimal to begin with we would post them together with our upcoming April Meeting (which will also be very minimal). Anyhoo, here's the info on March:

1. We went over the fine points of the charter as it was not fully completed by the founders due to MidSouthCon prep.

2. The June Gaming Event took a further evolution as we gained new members who are known Veteran GMs for MSC, Games Con Memphis, and other organizations. We will now be running two games, one for those new to RPGs, and a Advanced Campaign for those already knowledgeable.

3. We then Screened that month's Operation Anime title, in this case being RomeoXJuliet, then concluded with some Street Fighter IV.

Now here's some tidbits related to the April Meeting:

This meeting will be the first since the group's outing at MidSouthCon 28. Here's what's on the platter for the month:

1. We go over the charter and vote on it.

2. We then conduct a Post-Mortem on MSC 28, including discussing what worked, what didn't, and how to fix it for next year.

3.After this we then will break out into Gaming (in which we will roll characters for the June Gaming Event) and Anime (in which we screen this month's Operation Anime title, Comic Party Revolution).

With all of this in mind folks we'll see ya in April!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

March Meeting

Kupo!!!!!!!!! Sorry we are getting this up late (as in the day before), but it's been a wild month as the MOG Team is getting ready for MSC 28! Let's cut right to the chase about the meeting:

-The Charter will be discussed as we will go over the General Concepts of what it will contain

-We will collect more $5 payments for the Con Survival Kits

-We will then screen this month's Operation Anime title, and then break out for Videogaming/Con Prep

We hope to see all of you there!