Sunday, July 11, 2010

Eat Well Sushi Get Together for Great Justice!

Based on a recommendation from one of our members, we're heading out to get some (hopefully) awesome Japanese buffet! This is going to be a day activity as the buffet's cheaper during the daytime ($12.88 for Buffet, $1.88 for Drinks, basically plan on bringing at least $20 for food and tip).

In the likelyhood that we're not able to discuss business matters related to the group at the July Meeting, we can take care of it there.

Here's a Google Map:

View Larger Map

Friday, July 9, 2010

This Month's Operation Anime Title

Normally we don't go out of our way to post about the upcoming Anime title, but we figured this one's a special case...

See ya at the Meeting!

Monday, June 28, 2010

July Meeting

Alrighty folks, here's what we have planned for July 18:

-Continue any campaigns from last month's meeting (This will be determined by the GMs.)
-Hold an "Intro to Magic" Session
-Screen a very sweet Operation Anime title TBA (you're gonna like it.)

In addition to those items, we will continue to offer lots of Analog and Digital Gaming, so stop on in and have fun!

June Meeting Notes

Well folks, needless to say, our big Gaming Event was a success! We ran two 3rd Edition D&D Campaigns, one designed for beginners, the other for more advanced warriors. While the big stuff rolled out, we also played smaller tabletop games like Ninja Burger! Rounding everything out was some MvC2 and Wii Gaming!

Since this meeting was a big success, expect more Analog Gaming from MOOGLE!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

June Meeting

Alright folks, this is the Big Gaming Meeting foretold at the beginning of the year! For those who have signed up for the 2 RPG Sessions a couple of months back, now is the time to bring your Dice and your Skills, because you will need them to conquer our DMs challenges! Here's a brief look at the activities for this meeting:

-Our DMs will run 2 RPG games, one for beginners, and one advanced

-For those who didn't get in, we will still have tons of Analog and Digital Gaming available

-This month's Operation Anime title will be The Galaxy Railways

-Business-wise, our underage crowd should expect to be taking home some Parental Consent Forms, and we will begin employing a regular Sign-Up-Sheet. We'll also lock down a date for Eat Well, and finalize details on our End-Of-Summer Event!

May Meeting Notes of Too Much Rain!

Well, normally we'd have a great deal of stuff to tantalize you with about our last meeting, but unfortunately the impending rainstorms that day cut everything short, as in we only we're able to eat and that was it. There are a couple of things to take note of however:

-For Underage Members, we will now have a Parental Consent Form for them to have their folks fill out. This is not only protection for the group, but also a means of letting folks know that we are primarily an Adult-Oriented Group.

-We will also have 2 events coming up over the summer, a trip to Eat Well in Wolfchase-Land, and a End Of Summer Party. As dates, locations, and times are finalized, we'll keep everyone posted.

Well, hopefully next month won't be so rainy, >.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April Meeting Notes/May Meeting

Hiya folks, for those who missed it, here's the skinny on the April Meeting:

-The group was debriefed on MSC 28, then we discussed gatherings at MTAC and AKon

-We wished member Jason a Happy Birthday

-We then conducted Character Builds for the upcoming June Meeting for both the advanced game and the intro game

Now here's the tibits on May:

-The Operation Anime title will be Ouran High School Host Club

-Videogaming-wise we'll have Burnout Revenge

-Analog Gaming will feature Settlers of Catan and everyone's free to bring their Magic Cards

We hope to see ya then!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March Meeting Notes/April Meeting

Hiya folks, sorry we've been slow on posting the March Meeting Notes, but many of us were part of the staff for MidSouthCon 28, and as such we're pretty tired overall. We figured as the March Meeting was very minimal to begin with we would post them together with our upcoming April Meeting (which will also be very minimal). Anyhoo, here's the info on March:

1. We went over the fine points of the charter as it was not fully completed by the founders due to MidSouthCon prep.

2. The June Gaming Event took a further evolution as we gained new members who are known Veteran GMs for MSC, Games Con Memphis, and other organizations. We will now be running two games, one for those new to RPGs, and a Advanced Campaign for those already knowledgeable.

3. We then Screened that month's Operation Anime title, in this case being RomeoXJuliet, then concluded with some Street Fighter IV.

Now here's some tidbits related to the April Meeting:

This meeting will be the first since the group's outing at MidSouthCon 28. Here's what's on the platter for the month:

1. We go over the charter and vote on it.

2. We then conduct a Post-Mortem on MSC 28, including discussing what worked, what didn't, and how to fix it for next year.

3.After this we then will break out into Gaming (in which we will roll characters for the June Gaming Event) and Anime (in which we screen this month's Operation Anime title, Comic Party Revolution).

With all of this in mind folks we'll see ya in April!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

March Meeting

Kupo!!!!!!!!! Sorry we are getting this up late (as in the day before), but it's been a wild month as the MOG Team is getting ready for MSC 28! Let's cut right to the chase about the meeting:

-The Charter will be discussed as we will go over the General Concepts of what it will contain

-We will collect more $5 payments for the Con Survival Kits

-We will then screen this month's Operation Anime title, and then break out for Videogaming/Con Prep

We hope to see all of you there!

Monday, February 15, 2010

February Meeting Notes

Well, needless to say our February Meeting was one of our most successful ventures yet! With many first-timers crossing over from the recent FYE Cosplay Event, we managed to pack the house very well! Anyway, here's what was basically knocked out this meeting:

  • We did recieve some of the $5 donations needed to supply the Con Survival Kits, and we extended the deadline to March to get the rest.
  • We talked about Volunteering at MidSouthCon as well as attending MTAC Odyssey.
  • We then screened this month's Operation Anime title, Gunslinger Girl Vol. 1.
Below you'll find some pics of the event as well as a video shot by our own Jasma, this will give you a sense of what goes on during a MOOGLE meeting. Look for notes retaining to the March meeting shortly!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February Meeting

Hiya folks, here's what we're working on for February:

  • The $5 for the Con Survival Packs will be due. Keep in mind that all profits from the Con Survival Packs will go straight into the MOOGLE money account, and can be used towards receiving more Anime, covering more events, trips, etc....
  • As we approach the final push towards MSC 28, we will cover any last-minute details related to the Con, from Volunteering Needs to making sure everyone has the ability to pay.
  • We will then screen Gunslinger Girl Vol. 1, this month's Operation Anime title.

Alright folks, as you all know, our upcoming February Meeting will be taking place on Valentine's Day, the day of love, marriages, and overall happiness between 2 or more peeps......


Except in the world of nerds/geeks/otaku, reality is a lot more painful. Even though we shall internet the earth, it takes a little while sometimes to finally land upon, "The Score", so to speak.

A chance suggestion given to me by member Destiny has led me to a grand idea to alleviate some of that grief...which is to Cosplay! Now for this Cosplay I don't want just any getup, I want it to relate to Valentine's Day and it's overall theme of love. If you want to go as an Anime Character, that'll work, or if you want to crank up you own internal loveliness and go as yourself, that'll work as well.

You guys have a week from now, let's get to it!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winter Weather and the Jan. 30 Events (Updated)

Hiya folks, just posting this so we're making sure all ends are covered. As many of you have know for a while now, MOOGLE had 2 events planned for Jan. 30: The first was regarding the MSC 28 Volunteer Pizza Party at Garabaldi's Pizza (same one we use for MOOGLE meetings). This event is now scheduled for February 6 from 2-4pm.

The other event was the FYE Anime Day Event, scheduled at the FYE in Wolfchase Mall. That event has been postponed for the time being. When it is rescheduled, we'll let everyone know!

Finally, with all the Winter Weather sweeping around and causing all kinds of crazy stuff, we urge you to be safe out there, especially since this pack of weather is more ice-based which can cause more accidents. Take it easy out on the roads and on the sidewalks! Well, better get going for now, we'll have the Feb. Meeting coming up shortly so don't miss it!

Monday, January 11, 2010

January Meeting Notes

Hiya folks, for those whom missed the January meeting, here's some tidbits:

  • We agreed upon the themes set for MOOGLE 2010: Supernatual (May), Mecha (July), Comedy (Aug.), Fantasy (Sept.), Psychological Anime (Oct.), Shonen (Nov.), Spirtuality (Dec.). June will not have a Theme but will instead be a Intro to D&D Gaming Night.
  • We also agreed upon the establishment of a charter to set forth a series of general rules and regulations to protect the group as well as its members. The charter will be constructed during the Month of February and will be voted upon at the March meeting.
  • We then screened Spiral Vol. 1, which needless to say, turned out to have a format quite different that originally expected!
Keep posted for our Feb. Meeting!