Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winter Weather and the Jan. 30 Events (Updated)

Hiya folks, just posting this so we're making sure all ends are covered. As many of you have know for a while now, MOOGLE had 2 events planned for Jan. 30: The first was regarding the MSC 28 Volunteer Pizza Party at Garabaldi's Pizza (same one we use for MOOGLE meetings). This event is now scheduled for February 6 from 2-4pm.

The other event was the FYE Anime Day Event, scheduled at the FYE in Wolfchase Mall. That event has been postponed for the time being. When it is rescheduled, we'll let everyone know!

Finally, with all the Winter Weather sweeping around and causing all kinds of crazy stuff, we urge you to be safe out there, especially since this pack of weather is more ice-based which can cause more accidents. Take it easy out on the roads and on the sidewalks! Well, better get going for now, we'll have the Feb. Meeting coming up shortly so don't miss it!

Monday, January 11, 2010

January Meeting Notes

Hiya folks, for those whom missed the January meeting, here's some tidbits:

  • We agreed upon the themes set for MOOGLE 2010: Supernatual (May), Mecha (July), Comedy (Aug.), Fantasy (Sept.), Psychological Anime (Oct.), Shonen (Nov.), Spirtuality (Dec.). June will not have a Theme but will instead be a Intro to D&D Gaming Night.
  • We also agreed upon the establishment of a charter to set forth a series of general rules and regulations to protect the group as well as its members. The charter will be constructed during the Month of February and will be voted upon at the March meeting.
  • We then screened Spiral Vol. 1, which needless to say, turned out to have a format quite different that originally expected!
Keep posted for our Feb. Meeting!